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Madhubani Folk Paintings
Many Brahmin and Kayasth women of Madhubani district (Bihar) are particularly accomplished, decorating houses for marriages and feasts with bright, lively deities, most popularly Krishna and his beloved Radha. The form of each figure is a highly stylized profile of the face and feet whilst the body often faces the viewer. Characteristically, the outlines are drawn as a double line with diagonal hatching between them. During the Bihar famine of 1964-65 some of these women began to reproduce their pictures on paper.
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Madhubani Folk Paintings - Image 1
Madhubani Folk Paintings - Image 1
Madhubani Folk Paintings - Image 2
Madhubani Folk Paintings - Image 3
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Madhubani Folk Paintings - Image 6
Madhubani Folk Paintings - Image 7
Madhubani Folk Paintings - Image 8
Madhubani Folk Paintings - Image 9
Madhubani Folk Paintings - Image 10

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